
September 11...a day of mixed emotions

Where were you when the world stopped turning?  I remember each minute of that day - the fear, the confusion, the relief, the anger, the love, the pride and the hope.  I remember the trust in our President to get us through that painful time.  I remember the emotion on the faces of those on television and the awkwardness of the commentators on tv in not knowing what was coming and where they were headed.  

Where am I today?  I sit thinking of that day and I sit looking forward.  Time.com has an amazing website that reads, "If the story of the United States has a theme so far in the 21st century, it is surely one of resilience.".  Resilience.  What a word.  Within it lies the hope that this country can come together once again, that we are strong enough to survive whatever is thrown at us.  Rise up, America.  Stay strong, head up and confident.  Your people will stand behind you...we love you.  (http://www.time.com/time/beyond911/)

Resilience - the resilience of love, the resilience of friendship, the resilience of family, the resilience of faith...resilience.  Today not only marks the tenth anniversary of the attacks on our soil, but also the opening Sunday of Football 2011.  The NFL honored those fallen and lost in 9-11 in a beautiful way...with the Chicago Bears having the Blackhawks National Anthem singer to sing.  AMAZING.  His voice is booming and loud and those Chicago fans went crazy - they hooped and hollered through the entire anthem and while the nation watches, maybe wondering why we are so disrespectful, I look on with honor and pride at those celebrating this country and keeping the Chicago tradition alive.  What a great way to incorporate a sad and somber day/moment into one of the happiest of the year for many...the day that signifies Fall...the day Football begins.  

To my friend whose day has become more somber and full of loss, I am sorry and my thoughts are with you.  A loss and as you said, a reminder of how short life can be.  Your heart is in my prayers, Friend.  

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